Leader Are Born But Instagram Followers Are 2020?
Debate about whether leaders are born or made may be as old as whether the chicken came first or the egg. My take on this is that leaders are born and I have no comment on the chicken! A recent study seems to have generated scientific evidence that suggests leaders are born as their brains are wired differently. If we are able to accept that not all of us can be great music composers or artists or sculptors, I am not sure we struggle to accept that not all of us are great leaders. Could this be because we all want to be seen as leaders and is that because of the attention a leader draws? The real motivation, I think, should be to bring in a change, towards betterment. What makes some people leaders? Simple , Followers Australia Unless there is a 'pack' to lead, the word leader itself becomes irrelevant. So the first thing a leader should do is Get Followers Australia and not just any followers, but ones that appreciate the vision of the leader, share it and support it...