There Is Real Value in Follow-Up 2020

In the business world, follow up on just about everything is vitally important. It shows that a company cares about good customer service.
Situations for Follow ups
There are many situations where follow-ups can and should be done. There is follow up to see if a customer has received their order OK, or if it was a service that was provided, when the project is finished; follow up to make sure the job was complete to the customer's satisfaction.
Holiday Follow ups
There are those special follow-ups, such as Happy Birthday cards, Happy Holiday, and Happy New Year cards. If a client has done business with the company for several years, send a follow up note on the anniversary of them becoming a client to see if there is anything else that they need to speak with the company about - another service they might need. If the family has a new baby, follow that up, as it is really important, just as following up on anniversaries.
Sign of Good Customer Service
These types of reminders or follow-ups let clients or customers know that you at least think about them several times during the year on their special occasions. It is also a sign of excellent customer service and is a way to stop problems before they develop. These actually do impress a client or customer, especially when they continue to get these reminders from the company year after year. Insurance companies are very good at this, but most of the other companies do not seem to care so much about it.
Follow up and Social Media
With the development of social media, another mean of follow up has surged up. Every company that has a Twitter or Facebook account, needs to have someone who manages these accounts and who connects back with customers who leave comments. Following up your clients is important to stop a problem before it develops, so it is vital to response to any customer on your social media pages who is not happy or has a problem with the company. Complaints can spread like "wildfire" through social media networks and these are problems that need to be solved before they go any further than one or two people. Solving a problem on a social media network can only take one comment or note, but can reach hundreds of loyal customers to the company and Buy Instagram Followers UK .

Blog Follow ups
This should also be handled the same way on a company blog. The blog should have someone managing it - updating content and following up on any comments that are made - especially the ones that could be a problem.
Why Some Don't Follow-up
Many companies are afraid to follow up on everything, as they do not want to seem to be pushy. It might be true that frequent follow-ups can come across as being pushy, but very few people come close to crossing that line. Being pushy has more to do with tone, than the frequency of following up. It might be best to not make too many follow ups in a short period of time, but that really is not a problem when the follow ups are written or simply a card is sent.
So yes, there is real value in any follow up and it really does not cost that much budget wise. Try it for about a year and see if you don't see good results.
This article is about the value of follow up. It also goes into those times when follow up is appropriate. Get more useful information on the subject with Peter Ryan, who has had over 40 Years in Sales and Marketing, Trainer Speaker, Principal of Mr. Results marketing academy, a step by step e learning program for Small Business and Start ups, and author of the Highly acclaimed book "Small Business Marketing Secrets Revealed" available on Amazon For More Information Please Visit


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